Installation Guide: Threading and Welding a Welded Outlet



  1. Surface Preparation: Prior to installation, ensure that the existing pipe is adequately prepared at the desired location. This involves removing any burrs, paint, or contaminants that could hinder a secure connection.
  2. Thread Cleaning: Clean the male threads of the threaded welded outlet to ensure they are free of dirt or residue. Use a wire brush or appropriate cleaning tools to achieve this.

Threaded Connection:

  1. Sealant Application: Apply a suitable thread sealant or tape to the male threads of the outlet. Select a sealant compatible with the fluid or gas being conveyed to create a leak-proof seal.
  2. Alignment: Carefully align the male threads of the threaded welded outlet with the female threads of the existing pipe. Begin by manually threading the outlet onto the pipe, ensuring proper alignment and engagement.
  3. Tightening: Hand-tighten the outlet until it is securely in place. Use an appropriate wrench to further tighten the connection, ensuring a firm hold without over-tightening, which could damage the threads or cause leaks.

Welding Process:

  1. Welding Technique: After securing the threaded connection, proceed with the welding process. Select the appropriate welding method based on the materials and welding techniques required. Common methods include TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding or socket welding.
  2. Welding Execution: Employ the chosen welding technique to fuse the threaded welded outlet to the existing pipe. Ensure a strong and reliable weld to guarantee the integrity of the connection.

Inspection and Testing:

  1. Visual Inspection: Once the installation is complete, conduct a thorough visual inspection of the threaded welded outlet and the welded joint. Look for any signs of leakage or defects that may compromise the system’s performance.
  2. Pressure Testing: Perform any necessary pressure or quality tests to validate the integrity of the connection and the overall piping system. This step ensures the system can withstand the intended pressure and operates safely.

By following these steps, you can successfully install a threaded welded outlet, ensuring a secure and reliable connection within your piping system.

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